ST MARY’S HAUGHLEY IS A FAIR TRADE CHURCHWe are delighted that St Mary’s Haughley has recently gained the designation of a Fair Trade place of worship. This means that the church uses Fairtrade products wherever possible (at least tea, coffee and sugar), will share information about Fairtrade products with the wider congregation and community; and will aim to integrate Fairtrade into the life of the church, at Fairtrade Fortnight (usually in September) or other times of the year (for example through events, stalls and worship). Please can you help ensure a fair wage for food producers, by using Fair Trade ingredients, if you make cakes or other food for church events? And by trying to use Fair Trade products wherever possible, in your own shopping? The Fair Trade symbol is easily recognised.
EAT HEALTHILY AND LIVE WELL!A talk by Ollie and Tree from 'Bonitas' Wholefoods in Stowmarket. 7.30 - 8.30pm Thursday 6 February 2025 in St Mary's Church Haughley. No admission fee; open to all; tea and coffee served.'Bonitas' is an organic, local, Fair Trade store.The talk is on ‘LOAF’ produce, living well, and their personal journey to a healthier way of living; such as removing additives and ultra-processed foods, reducing single-use plastics, sourcing high quality organic foods, and developing a health-conscious local community; and on the impact this can make in reducing stress, and promoting health and well-being. Oliver and Tree will bring some samples of various foods to illustrate the talk. A must for anyone interested in their own and their family’s health, their diet, avoiding the worst of the modern convenience lifestyle, and how to promote well-being…
In the coming weeks, the 3 parish PCC’s & Churchwarden’s of Haughley, Wetherden and Stowupland will begin the process of appointing a new Vicar for our Benefice. On Tuesday 7th January there will be a Section 11 meeting (all 3 PCC’s & C/W’s) with our Rural Dean - Revd Dan Harrison where we will be reviewing the updates to the Benefice & Parish Profiles and timetable. Then on Wednesday 15th January there will be a formal Section 12 meeting with the Archdeacon - the Ven. Dr David Jenkins (all 3 PCC’s & C/W’s) to finalise arrangements of advertising the post etc.Further updates will be given as available.
It is with deep sadness that we have had to say goodbye to Revd Paul as Rector after such a short time.Here is his last statement – ‘I want to thank you all for the help and support you have given me since I arrived back in Haughley, Wetherden & Stowupland. People have been very kind and graciously afforded me the space that has been needed, particularly over the past six months. I also want to thank the ministry team and wardens who have ensured that the regular service pattern has continued in my absence.When I arrived in the benefice last year, I had every hope and confidence that being back in village ministry and in a place I knew and loved would allow me to continue my recovery from Long Covid. This has not been the case. My symptoms have continued to decline, and it is with much sadness that I have to inform you that I have made the difficult decision to retire on the grounds of ill health and therefore, have submitted my intention to leave my position on 2nd October 2024.Could I please ask for your prayers for Rachel, me, and the family? It has been exciting to see what God has been doing in the parishes, and although I am sad not to walk this journey with you, I will be praying for you all’.Revd Paul ClarkeAs we now enter another period of vacancy, the Wardens and Ministry team wish to assure you all that they will do everything they can to continue bringing regular worship to the Benefice. If you have any worries, please speak to a Church Warden or member of the Ministry Team/PCC’s.For weddings, baptisms and funerals please contact our Curate Revd. Alison Roberts.