News Update for 6 July.

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Dear friends,

Please find below details of what’s coming up tomorrow, and over the next few days across Middle ESK Moor.

We welcomed Jackie Newton to preach for us last week. If you haven’t met Jackie yet, she’s training to be a 'Licenced Lay Minister’ (a role previously called ‘Reader’) and she’s going to be getting more involved across all our churches over the coming months. It was wonderful to welcome Jackie to Lealholm and Egton.

Included below and attached are some photos and information following our ‘Team Transition’ event for the current Year 6 children across our schools. Many thanks to everyone that helped to make the day such a success.

Tomorrow, I will be at the ordination of my wife (Reverend Sam Mawer) as Priest in Robin Hood’s Bay. We welcome Reverend Marion Gardner at Lealholm and Reverend Steve Foster in Goathland to lead our services. They are very much looking forwards to coming and celebrating Holy Communion at St James’ at 9:00 and St Mary’s at 10:45. If you would like to attend Sam’s ordination, details are below. And later on tomorrow, at 4 pm, there is an opportunity to say farewell to Bishop Paul at a special service in Whitby at St Hilda’s Church.

And finally, two weeks today, on Saturday 20 July, you’re invited to our first joint meeting for our four parishes at Egton School, 2:30 to 5:30 pm - further details are below.

Looking forwards to catching up with you soon.

With love and blessings,

Reverend Anthony

Coming up this week

Sunday 7th July

9:00 Traditional Holy Communion in Lealholm at St James'

10:45 Traditional Holy Communion in Goathland at St Mary's

If you know Reverend Sam and would like to come to her ordination as Priest, here are further details:

10:00 Ordination Service at St. Stephen’s, Robin Hood’s Bay

If you would like to say farewell to Bishop Paul, on the occasion of his retirement, this event is coming up tomorrow too:

4:00 pm Deanery Evensong at St Hilda's Whitby - a Deanery Farewell to Bishop Paul

Wednesday 10th July

8:30 Contemplative Communion in Goathland - please contact us for further information.

Thursday 11th July

10:30 - 2:30 Vi's Community Cafe in Grosmont at St Matthew's

1:30 - 2:30 Play Space in Grosmont at St Matthew's Grosmont

‘Team Transition’

On Monday afternoon last week, Year 6 children from our local primary schools met up at Egton Village Hall for a transition afternoon, which was hosted by members of our churches across Middle ESK Moor and the wider deanery. The afternoon included lots of fun team-building activities that helped the children get to know one-another a little better.

If you have a current Year 5 or Year 6 child in your family, about to move up to the next school year, we are planning two events for you and your child during the summer school holidays. There will be fun activities, games and crafts…

on Tuesday 23 July and Monday 12 August,

1 pm to 3 pm at Egton Village Hall, with a free lunch from midday onwards.

Please could all children to be accompanied by a parent or carer. To book your places please email us in the first instance: [email protected].

Middle ESK Moor Parishes Meeting

Our first joint meeting of our four parishes will be taking place on...

Saturday 20th July, 2:30-5:30 pm at Egton Primary School (note new venue)

At this special event we will be building on all the hard work we have done over the last year to develop our key priorities. We will be defining what we want to specifically focus on and achieve collaboratively over the next three months. Everyone is welcome - you don’t need to be on one of our parochial church councils (PCCs) to take part.

Sunday 30th June

Prayers and Readings

Our prayers and readings for last Sunday can be downloaded from this link.

Jackie’s Prayer

O Lord you are here with me.
Open my eyes to your presence.
Open my heart to your love.
Help me to make room for you
In my life, in my work and in my home:
That I may be at home with you and know that you will dwell with me.
In this space and stillness
Make me aware of your presence.


The Reverend Anthony Bennett

Enriching– Sharing - Knowing