About Us

St. Thomas' Church, Glaisdale, is one of five churches in the United Benefice of Middle Esk Moor. The other churches in the Benefice are at Egton, Grosmont, Goathland and Lealholm. At present we hold combined benefice Holy Communion services rotating around the benefice.

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Until 1869, Lealholm and Glaisdale were part of the parish of Danby. Then the parish of Glaisdale was formed, combining Glaisdale village and dale and the villages of Lealholm and Houlsyke, and the neighbouring Great Fryupdale.

The present church dates from 1793 and was pre-dated by the 'Chappell of Glaisdale', a cruciform straw-thatched building, for which a date stone of 1585 may be seen in the side of the steps leading to the present tower. Thomas Ferries, alderman of Hull, the builder of Beggar's Bridge over the Esk at Glaisdale in 1619, left a bequest for the repair of the chapel and provision of a minister. In 1792 the old chapel was demolished and the present building erected and opened in 1793 (a date to be seen on the South wall sundial). The nave originally had galleries on three sides, but only the West gallery, housing the organ, remains. Most of the original furnishings around the altar, including the riddel posts and choir stalls, have been removed to give a more open space for worship. The church has several windows with stained glass, probably the most striking being the modern Richard Smith memorial window crafted by Alan Davis.

Glaisdale village has no other places of worship following the closure of the Methodist chapel, but the Glaisdale Dale Head Methodist Chapel is still active.

Glaisdale is an old ironstone mining village in the heart of the North York Moors. It is a popular destination for holidaymakers and we welcome all to visit the church which is open during the daytime and to attend our services. More information can be found in leaflets in the church.

Thinking of marrying here?

Send a message to Revd. Anthony 

[email protected]