Remembrance Service

for 1 hour
St Margaret, Aislaby
Egton Road Aislaby Whitby, YO21 1SU, United Kingdom

The service in church to remember the fallen will be followed by an Act of Remembrance at 11.00 am at the War Memorial. A collection will be taken at this service for the Royal British Legion.

St Margaret, Aislaby

Get in touch

Rev. Joanne Parker

Interim Priest-in-Charge
01947 880012
What's on

Remembrance Service

for 1 hour
St Margaret, Aislaby
Egton Road Aislaby Whitby, YO21 1SU, United Kingdom

The service in church to remember the fallen will be followed by an Act of Remembrance at 11.00 am at the War Memorial. A collection will be taken at this service for the Royal British Legion.