Facilities and features


We have one toilet for disabled use and one for abled use

There is a baby changing table in one toilet

One toilet is disability friendly

Used at all services

Service books are available in large print on request

We welcome assistance dogs to all services

Please ask

The main doors can be used by wheelchair users

Our Building

The lady chapel is available for individual prayer when the church is open

Several windows contain stained glass

Grade 2*listed church

Music and Worship

Magda Music venue

Recently refurbished

8am every Sunday morning

10.30am Sunday service is a sung eucharist. There are 4 sung evensongs per year

Groups, Courses and Activities

We offer an alpha course every 2 years

We have a monthly Bible Reading Fellowship discussion on 2nd Wednesday at 11.00am

We have an active MU

Help for Visitors

Free wifi

We have a church history

Cafe Magdalene open Thursday, Friday or Saturdays 9.30am to 12.30pm

We welcome dogs that remain on a lead

Other Features


We support Sprouts with dried and canned food.