Facilities and features
Entrance via the West door from the outside of the building.
Via the South door of the church
Gluten Free Refreshments are usually available
Our Building
Each day from about 9am to 6pm
We are proud to have a Bronze Certificate
Grade I listed.
Music and Worship
The church has excellent acoustics and fund raising concerts are occasionally held.
A single-manual instrument with six speaking stops, has a beautiful tone and is of interest because it is a changer-organ built by Flight & Son London about 1825. The whole of its woodwork is mahogany, including the wooden pipes.
Groups, Courses and Activities
Churchyard Teas the first Saturday of May, June, July, August, September at 3pm
Help for Visitors
Guide book packed with information about All Saints.
Post cards
Tea Towels
Each day from about 9am to 6pm
Other Features
We use Fairtrade products
The churchyard and surrounding countryside is a Conservation area