Midweek Communion

Every Wednesday at for 45 mins
St Andrew's, Great Cornard
Church Road Great Cornard Sudbury, CO10 0EL, United Kingdom

An informal communion service held in the chancel, a chance to breathe in God's presence in the middle of a hectic week

Agape Cafe

Every Wednesday at for 3 hours, 15 mins
Back hall, The Old School
Back hall, The Old School, The Old School Wells Hall Road, Great Cornard, CO10 0NH, United Kingdom

Meeting at Wells Hall Old school, come and meet friends old and new over a tea or coffee, a bacon roll or a piece of cake.

Still Good to Eat

Every Thursday at for 1 hour
St Andrew's, Great Cornard
Church Road Great Cornard Sudbury, CO10 0EL, United Kingdom

Open every Thursday morning 10-12
Providing food still good to eat for all and helping the environment
A community project open to all, no referral needed
We ask for a donation of £3 each week which goes towards our running costs, including mileage for the volunteers who pick up the food from local supermarkets and purchasing essentials that we cannot get donated. No one will be turned away hungry because they can’t make a donation.
Everyone uses the same bag – you can have one for an extra £3 , or borrow one and transfer shopping to your own bag. By using the same sized for everyone bag we ensure that each client has a fair share
Our aim is to reduce food waste through redistribution of fresh food
otherwise left unsold and destined for landfill, providing help with the
struggle of the ever rising cost of living.
We are currently looking for volunteers from within the community to help
with the running of the project, for further information please contact Judith,
Chris or Rowland at:
[email protected]

Space to talk - Coffee Morning

Every Friday at for 2 hours
St Andrew's, Great Cornard
Church Road Great Cornard Sudbury, CO10 0EL, United Kingdom

Every week on a Friday morning we hold an open Coffee morning from 10-12. Includes a small act of worship at 11 for those who would like to join in

Quiet Communion

Every First, Third Sunday at for 1 hour
St Andrew's, Great Cornard
Church Road Great Cornard Sudbury, CO10 0EL, United Kingdom

A quieter more reflective service

BCP Morning Prayer

Every First, Third, Fifth Sunday at for 1 hour
St Andrew's, Great Cornard
Church Road Great Cornard Sudbury, CO10 0EL, United Kingdom

A quiet prayerbook service to begin our day in praise of God.

Parish Communion

Every Sunday at for 1 hour
St Andrew's, Great Cornard
Church Road Great Cornard Sudbury, CO10 0EL, United Kingdom

All ages are welcome to join us for our regular service of worship. You'll find a warm welcome and relaxed, yet sacred worship. Whilst we do not have a sunday school at present, children are very welcome anytime - we have a selection of toys, games and colouring things to help keep them enagaged.

8am Eucharist on 1st and 3rd sundays, 8am BCP Mattins 2nd, 4th & 5th