We have continued to share this online service which began during the COVID 19 lockdowns in 2020. All are welcome to join us. For more information, please contact Lucy on 01439 770033 or [email protected]
Morning Prayer - Online
Every Monday, Wednesday, Friday at 10 a.m. for 45 mins
Morning Prayer - Online
Every Monday, Wednesday, Friday at 10 a.m. for 45 mins
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Parish Eucharist (N.B. No 9.30 a.m. service on 9th March. See Lent Prayer Walk notice.)
Every Sunday at for 1 hour
Please note that this event will not be taking place between and
All Saints' Helmsley
The Market Square
York, YO62 5AQ, United Kingdom
The Parish Eucharist at All Saints': Common Worship with hymns accompanied by the organ. Toys, books and colouring sheets are available for younger members of our congregation in the Webster Room (at the back of church, under the tower). The service is followed by refreshments at the back of church. The church bells are rung before the service. All are welcome, both to the service and to join us for refreshments.
This is an opportunity for our young people (Year 6 and above) to learn about God and faith through fun, fellowship and food. Sundays in term-time from 6.30 p.m. - 8.00 p.m. Meetings take place in Ampleforth Village Hall or St Benedict's Parish Hall. See poster for details of exact dates and venue.
The Market Square
York, YO62 5AQ, United Kingdom
This is an opportunity for pre-school children and their parents or carers to share time and play together within the church. All are welcome! Meet in the Webster room, at the back of All Saints' (under the tower).
Gathering Lent Prayer Walk led by Bishop Barry and Archdeacon Amanda (Sunday 9 March)
for 7 hours, 15 mins
This Lent Prayer Walk will take place on the St Aelred's Pilgrim Trail and forms part of the Archbishop of York’s initiatives, namely the 'Lord’s Prayer Tour' and 'Faith in the North'. We promise you joy, companionship, food for the body and the soul, and a good day’s walk amongst friends. All are welcome.
Please bring a packed lunch and wear clothes and footwear appropriate for North Yorkshire in March!
The concept of the Gathering Walk is that people may join at any stage they wish but, above all, are encouraged to take part in the final section in Rievaulx.
See details below of what is happening, where and when:
10.00 a.m: Welcome, coffee, cakes, and prayers at All Saints Church, Old Byland
10.30 a.m: Commencement of our Gathering Lent Prayer Walk
11.45 a.m: Saint Mary’s Church, Scawton: cold drinks; prayers
12.15 p.m: Prayers at the closed Church of Saint Michael, Cold Kirby. Soup and bread roll, plus (your own) packed lunch, in the Village Hall opposite the church.
1.00 p.m: Prayers.
1.15 p.m: Leave Cold Kirby for Rievaulx
3.00 p.m: Arrive Rievaulx Methodist Church for tea and biscuits
3.30 p.m. Prayers in Saint Mary the Virgin Church, Rievaulx
3.45 p.m: Procession commences from St Mary the Virgin Church, preceded by the Processional Cross, to the Nave in Rievaulx Abbey
4.00 p.m: Short service to be held in Rievaulx Abbey Nave, led by Bishop Barry and accompanied by the Bilsdale Silver Band. (If wet, this service will be held in the Abbey Café.)
4.30 p.m: Refreshments in the Abbey Café following the service.
Sunday 23 March 2025, Sunday 27 April 2025, Sunday 25 May 2025, Sunday 22 June 2025 at for 1 hour
All Saints' Helmsley
The Market Square
York, YO62 5AQ, United Kingdom
This is a time for Primary school-aged children to explore the stories of The Bible in a fun and engaging way. Meet in the Webster Room, at the back of the church under the tower during the 9.30 a.m. Holy Communion service. For further information, please contact Lucy on: [email protected]
The Market Square
York, YO62 5AQ, United Kingdom
All are welcome to this moving service, following the Liturgy of Maundy Thursday with Foot Washing, in which the events of the eve of Christ's crucifixion are memorialised.
Good Friday Ecumenical Service and Walk of Witness (18 April)
for 1 hour, 15 mins
Helmsley Methodist Church
Ashdale Rd, Helmsley, YO62 5DD, United Kingdom
Join this Ecumenical Service (10.15 a.m.) at Helmsley Methodist Church followed by a Walk of Witness to Helmsley Market Place where a short service will be held by the Market Cross (11.00 a.m.). All are welcome.
Celebrate the greatest feast in the Church calendar at this Sunrise Service held on Baxtons Bank (4 miles up Baxtons Road on the edge of the edge of Roppa moor).