Facilities and features


We have facilities available at both ends of the building, and we also have a toilet adapted for young children which includes full baby changing facilities.

We have a toilet adapted for young children and full baby changing facilities.

We have limited car parking on-site for six cars only. Ample parking is available in Fisherman's Square, located just behind the church to the East.

We have fully accessible facilities.

Ramped entrance
Hearing (induction) Loop
Large Print
Assistance Dogs
Dementia Aware / Accessible

Our Building

Open for individual prayer
Stained Glass
Warm Space
Listed Building

Music and Worship

We regularly host events of all kinds.

We are lucky to have a wonderful organ by Gray & Davison dating from 1876, and two talented organists. It is used every Sunday to accompany our worship.

A small robed choir sings at our Sunday morning 10am Eucharist.

Groups, Courses and Activities

Bible study

We regularly host coffee mornings, mainly on Saturday mornings, both for the benefit of the parish but also for other groups and organisations.

Community event
Community group
Messy Church
Mothers Union
Over 60s event
Parents and toddlers

A Foodbank outlet takes place every Thursday between 11am and 1.30pm.

Voluntary group

Help for Visitors

Free wifi
Guidebooks / Notes
Cafe / Restaurant
Church Open

Other Features

We strive to use Fairtrade products wherever we can.

Takes place every Thursday between 11am and 1.30pm.

We have a full PA system which also includes an induction loop.

We are lucky to have two large meeting rooms and a fully equipped kitchen. Contact us for more details.