Wedding enquiries

Every day at for 10 hours
St Hilda
Corner of Roseberry Road and Mersey Road Redcar, TS10 4AW, United Kingdom

Congratulations on deciding to get married. We would love to help and support you as you get ready for the big day! A wedding is one of life’s great moments, making life-long promises and receiving God’s blessing.

To book a wedding in either St Cuthbert’s or St Hilda’s, please email [email protected] or call 07533 123200

More information can be found on our website

Family Communion

Every Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth Sunday at for 1 hour
St Hilda
Corner of Roseberry Road and Mersey Road Redcar, TS10 4AW, United Kingdom

Weekly Family Sunday Communion 9.30am
except 1st Sunday each month All Age service 9.15 breakfast 9.45am start
Mid week Communion 10am Thursdays

Baptism enquiries

Every Tuesday at for 3 hours
St Hilda
Corner of Roseberry Road and Mersey Road Redcar, TS10 4AW, United Kingdom

We are delighted to baptise children or anyone who has never been baptised before.
Baptism (also known as Christening) is a beautiful gift from God – a sign of new birth, of complete forgiveness and acceptance, of the hope of eternal life and of belonging to a loving community.

To have a baptism in either St Cuthbert’s or St Hilda’s, you either need to live in the parish (see image) or have a connection with the church. Baptisms usually take place at 1:30pm or 3pm on the second and fourth Sunday of the month.

If you would like to explore baptism please come and ask Jane (the vicar) or Sue Garner at the times below. More information can be found on our website

St Hilda’s Sundays after the morning service 10:30-11am Tuesdays during our café 10am-1pm Thursdays after the service 10:30-11am St Cuthbert’s Sundays after the morning service 12:30-1pm