Sunday worship 10.30-11.30

Every Sunday at for 1 hour
St Martins
North Road / Anlaby Road Hull, HU4 6DD, United Kingdom

Contemporary worship service with kids church 3 Sundays a month, and an, 'All Together Service ' on the 4th Sunday.

St Martins Hub

Every Tuesday at for 2 hours, 30 mins
St Martins
North Road / Anlaby Road Hull, HU4 6DD, United Kingdom

St Martins Community 'Shop'. 10 items for £1.50 suggested donation.

St Martins, 'Cafe' , a cuppa and a place to be, find a safe caring environment and a listening ear. 

West Hull Food bank - a satellite of Hull central food bank - short term emergency food supplies by referal.

Food donations for  Hull Foodbank or  St Martins  Community, 'shop' can also be delivered at this time.

If you need help with food outside this time, please ring, (freephone), Citizens Advice 0808 2082138 ,

Board Game Cafe

Monthly. Every Fourth Saturday at for 7 hours
St Martins
North Road / Anlaby Road Hull, HU4 6DD, United Kingdom

Calling all Board game fans, our Board Game Cafe is now twice a month. 2nd Saturday of the month 10-5.
4th Saturday of the month 2-9pm. Suggested £5.00 donation to cover costs.