Facilities and features
Within the main church building and the hall
Available within the main church building
Bikes may be chained to the vicarage railings in the car park or taken into the church for safety
Parking at both sides of the church
Within the North Porch of the main church building
Level entry to the church via the North Porch
Level entry to the church via the North Porch
Awaiting repair
Let us know if this is required
No problem with dogs being in the church
Our Building
On Sunday 28th February from 11.00 to noon
At other times please ask at the vicarage
We have a collection of some material not acceptable to the local authority.
Saint Alban's is a large brick-built Anglican church begun in 1938 in what was then a new residential district to the north-west of Hull city centre. The building was completed in 1956 to the original designs of Sir W Milner and RB Craze. Milner was a leading figure in the Anglo-Catholic movement of the early 20th century and is probably best known for his designs for the shrine church at Walsingham, Norfolk.
Inside the building are walls of exposed brick and a handsome arch-braced roof.
The tower arch leads into the nave and the relative simplicity of this area gives a sense of tranquility.
Of particular note in the fittings of the church is the font with a carved frieze of scallop shells and dolphins and the reredos behind the high altar.
Music and Worship
Visiting theatre, choir, band and orchestra concerts.
The choir sings at the Sunday Parish Mass (10.00am) and most festival services.
Groups, Courses and Activities
Lent course: by Zoom. Please contact the vicar (Fr Graham)
Please contact the vicar (Fr Graham)
When coronavirus has gone: Hull SPA (Scripture, Prayer, Action). 3rd Saturday of each month from 10.30am to noon.
When coronavirus has gone: Tuesday Drop-in from 9.30am to 12.30pm in the hall.
When coronavirus has gone we hope to start a messy church meeting
When coronavirus has gone: ABC (Adults, Babies and Children) : Tuesday morning in the hall from 10.30am to noon.
Help for Visitors
The church is open whenever a service is in progress and, when coronavirus has gone, on Thursdays from 9.00 until about 3.00pm (maybe not that long during winter)
Other Features
When coronavirus has gone: Occasional Fairtrade stall after Sunday Mass.
Fairtrade products used whenever possible.
Food Pantry open every Tuesday morning in the Church Hall.
Also, donated items are taken to the Hull Trussell Trust Foodbank.
Please call Tony Bishop on 0743 249 5755