A Traditional Service of Holy Communion (2nd Sunday in the month)

Every Second Sunday at for 1 hour, 15 mins
St Barnabas Swanland
St Barnabas Swanland, Main Street Swanland Hull, HU14 3QP, United Kingdom

Join us on Sunday for a traditional communion service, with hymns led on the organ. The words we use are usually projected onto a screen.

We do not currently have any babies or primary-age children who come to church regularly, but we welcome any who come to all of our services and will aim to start groups for this age when numbers permit. For younger teens, in school years 7-10, we run a 30-minute session during the service.

Our services are informal, following the Church of England liturgy.

Visitors are welcome to share communion with us if they are baptised and used to taking communion in their church. We use unleavened bread (made from flour and water) or wafers (gluten-free wafers are available on request) and share a common cup containing alcoholic wine.

There is no need to wear anything special, most people dress casually, and you can sit where you like. We do take up an offering as part of our worship but there is no obligation to give.

After the service, everyone is welcome to stay to chat and enjoy a free cup of coffee or tea,

If you want to see what we do before coming along, please see our YouTube channel where you can find recordings of our Sunday services. Everyone is welcome, regardless of your church background if, indeed, you have any church background.

Cygnets - Baby and Toddler group

Every Tuesday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
St Barnabas Swanland
Main Street (Corner of St. Barnabas Drive) Swanland Hull, HU14 3QP, United Kingdom

For children under school age (0-4+), accompanied by their Parents / Grandparents / Carers / Childminders.

We meet every Tuesday morning during school term time from 10.30 am until 12 noon at St Barnabas Church Hall, Main Street, Swanland. Our sessions are fun and interactive, and include free play time, crafts, stories, and singing.

Cost including refreshments - £2 per adult and one child, 50p extra for each additional child.

Are you new to the area? - Come and make new friends.

For More Information - Contact the Church Office on 01482 632941

Photo by Stuart Bartlett on Unsplash

A Morning Service (3rd and 5th Sunday in the month)

Every Third, Fifth Sunday at for 1 hour, 15 mins
St Barnabas Swanland
St Barnabas Swanland, Main Street Swanland Hull, HU14 3QP, United Kingdom

Join us on Sunday for a morning service, with a mixture of traditional hymns on the organ and modern songs led by the Worship Team. The words we use are usually projected onto a screen.

The children remain in the service for this service.

Our services are informal, following the Church of England liturgy.

There is no need to wear anything special, most people dress casually, and you can sit where you like. We do take up an offering as part of our worship but there is no obligation to give.

After the service, everyone is welcome to stay to chat and enjoy a free cup of coffee or tea,

If you want to see what we do before coming along, please see our YouTube channel where you can find recordings of our Sunday services. Everyone is welcome, regardless of your church background if, indeed, you have any church background.

Church Prayer Meeting

Every First, Third Tuesday at for 45 mins
St Barnabas Swanland
St Barnabas Swanland, Main Street (Corner of St. Barnabas Drive) Swanland Hull, HU14 3QP, United Kingdom

Church Prayer Meeting

Photo by Patrick Fore on Unsplash

GAPP - Grandparents and Parents Prayer Group

Every Third Friday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
In a church member's home
In a church member's home

10.30am on the third Friday each month.

For further details contact Jean, 01482 633243.

Photo by Sincerely Media on Unsplash

A Communion Service (4th Sunday in the month)

Every Fourth Sunday at for 1 hour, 15 mins
St Barnabas Swanland
St Barnabas Swanland, Main Street Swanland Hull, HU14 3QP, United Kingdom

Join us on Sunday for a less formal communion service, with a mixture of traditional hymns on the organ and modern songs led by the Worship Team. The words we use are usually projected onto a screen.

We do not currently have any babies or primary-age children who come to church regularly, but we welcome any who come to all of our services and will aim to start groups for this age when numbers permit. For younger teens, in school years 7-10, we run a 30-minute session during the service.

Our services are informal, following the Church of England liturgy.

Visitors are welcome to share communion with us if they are baptised and used to taking communion in their church. We use unleavened bread (made from flour and water) or wafers (gluten-free wafers are available on request) and share a common cup containing alcoholic wine.

There is no need to wear anything special, most people dress casually, and you can sit where you like. We do take up an offering as part of our worship but there is no obligation to give.

After the service, everyone is welcome to stay to chat and enjoy a free cup of coffee or tea,

If you want to see what we do before coming along, please see our YouTube channel where you can find recordings of our Sunday services. Everyone is welcome, regardless of your church background if, indeed, you have any church background.

Salad Bowl

Every Fourth Friday at for 2 hours
In a church member's home
In a church member's home

A Christian Contemplation Group which welcomes people from various churches or none.

A facilitated time to be still and be present to God followed by a shared lunch at 12.30 p.m.

Contact Rena for details via the church office 01482 632941.

Men's Breakfast

Every First Saturday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
St Barnabas Swanland
Main Street (Corner of St. Barnabas Drive) Swanland Hull, HU14 3QP, United Kingdom

An opportunity to meet with other men from St Barnabas church.

We start with breakfast and then have an informal group conversation about the Bible, our faith and how it relates to life today

Contact Michael (07899 953737) for more details.

Photo by Cathryn Lavery on Unsplash

A Service of Morning Praise (1st Sunday in the month)

Every First Sunday at for 1 hour, 15 mins
St Barnabas Swanland
Main Street (Corner of St. Barnabas Drive) Swanland Hull, HU14 3QP, United Kingdom

Join us on Sunday for a service of morning praise; a time of worship with modern songs led by the Worship Team and a shorter sermon. The words we use are usually projected onto a screen.

The children remain in the service for this service.

Our services are informal, following the Church of England liturgy. Our clergy do not wear robes.

There is no need to wear anything special, most people dress casually, and you can sit where you like. We do take up an offering as part of our worship but there is no obligation to give.

After the service, everyone is welcome to stay to chat and enjoy a free cup of coffee or tea,

If you want to see what we do before coming along, please see our YouTube channel where you can find recordings of our Sunday services. Everyone is welcome, regardless of your church background if, indeed, you have any church background.


for 1 hour
St Barnabas Swanland
Main Street (Corner of St. Barnabas Drive) Swanland Hull, HU14 3QP, United Kingdom

Details tbc

Maundy Thursday - Fellowship Meal and Communion Service

for 2 hours
St Barnabas Swanland
Main Street (Corner of St. Barnabas Drive) Swanland Hull, HU14 3QP, United Kingdom

Details tbc

Good Friday "Hour At The Cross"

for 1 hour
St Barnabas Swanland
Main Street (Corner of St. Barnabas Drive) Swanland Hull, HU14 3QP, United Kingdom

Details tbc

Admission of Churchwardens

for 1 hour, 30 mins
St Barnabas Swanland
Main Street (Corner of St. Barnabas Drive) Swanland Hull, HU14 3QP, United Kingdom

Deanery Service.
Details tbc

Confirmation Service

for 1 hour, 30 mins
St Barnabas Swanland
Main Street (Corner of St. Barnabas Drive) Swanland Hull, HU14 3QP, United Kingdom

Hull West Deanery Service
Details, incl time, tbc

Teddy Bear's Picnic

for 1 hour
St Barnabas Swanland
Main Street (Corner of St. Barnabas Drive) Swanland Hull, HU14 3QP, United Kingdom

Part of Swanland Festival
Details tbc