Who's Who

At St. Barnabas we believe everyone is important.   Some are paid, and some have specific roles, but the church functions as intended when everyone is involved, bringing their gifts and time to building God's church.

The PCC are trustees of the church and share the leadership with the vicar.   The members of the PCC are as follows:

Vicar and Chair of PCC (Ex officio)

Revd Kevin Barnard

Churchwarden (Ex officio)

Val Anderson

Synod Representatives (Ex officio)

John Burrell - Deanery Synod

Tim Scott - Deanery/Diocesan/General Synod and Vice Chair

Elected Members

Rena Downing - Secretary

Graham Dunn - Treasurer and Safeguarding Officer

Andrew Forrester - Licensed Lay Minister (Reader)

Sue Forrester - Licensed Lay Minister (Reader)

Kathy Howlett

Leah Moore

Richard Swain