Sue and Andrew Licensed as Lay Ministers (Readers)

Licensed Lay Ministers (Readers) are lay (non-ordained) people who represent the church in a public, representative, and leadership role.

During the service Archbishop Stephen was very careful to say that all members of Christ’s church are called to take a part in it, using their gifts and talents to build up the church.   All have different roles, some ordained, some licensed, some not – but all are important.    i.e. Everyone has a role; we call this “every member ministry”.   

Sue and Andy were licensed to help lead worship.   Specifically to:

· Lead public worship

· Preach and teach

· Assist at communion

· Share in pastoral and evangelistic work:

As well as leading in services at St. Barnabas as above,  Andy will be starting a corporate prayer meeting in December and Sue will be starting a pastoral care ministry, including distributing home communion, in the new year.