Using your gifts to build God's church

Many people do so much for the church here; can you help too? Recently, we have been sharing a number of opportunities to serve the people in our congregation and in Swanland.

Sound Desk—Sunday morning on a rota basis.

Flower Team—Join the team, and help on an occasional basis.

Greeting Cards — Order the cards we sell in the lounge.

Sunday Worship Rota - This is put together monthly. If you can offer to:

   · Read from the Bible

   · Lead the prayers

   · Welcome people into the church

   · Make the refreshments after the service

· Or is there any gift you would like to offer

then your help would be very much welcome. (Contact the Church Office.)

Remember the vicar’s challenge for everyone…

“One Rota, One Ministry”

Thank you

Photo by Hudson Hintze on Unsplash