Related Churches
St. Patrick, Patrington
St. Patrick is open daily, and you are very welcome to explore, or to simply come and be still, and perhaps to pray.
Along with services at other times, Holy Communion is held at 11am on the second Sunday of the month.
All Saints, Easington (w Kilnsea)
St. Germain, Winestead
St. Germain (generally pronounced 'St. German') normally holds a service of Holy Communion monthly, and other services for particular occasions through the year. As of 2023 the 'monthly' frequency of the Communion service cannot be relied on (hopefully a short term issue). Please contact Revd. Alisdair Laird for up to date information, 01964 630 327.
St. Nicholas, Keyingham with Burstwick
We are a fellowship of Christian people who have a living relationship with God, and a warm welcome awaits you at St Nicholas Keyingham, a beautiful twelfth-century church.
The parish of St Nicholas Keyingham with Burstwick is committed to the safeguarding of children, young people, and adults. Our safeguarding policy and relevant contact details are available.
St. Wilfrids, Ottringham
A warm welcome awaits you at St Wilfrid's. We hope you would like join our friendly congregation for one of our regular services followed by tea and cake.
Holy Communion is held at 11am on the third Sunday of the month.
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