Sat 7 December, 2024 Church Christmas Fair in Harpham Village Hall 2 -4pm. Stalls include Crafts, Cakes, Games, Tombola and Raffle adults £1 children free includes tea/ coffee & mince pie.Sunday 8th December, Harpham Church, 10.30am - Celtic CommunionSunday 8th December (Second Sunday) Carols and Nativity 4pm, St Martin’s Church, Lowthorpe - Children are invited to dress up as Shepherds, Kings or Angels. Tea / Coffee Mince pies in church afterwardsSunday 15th December, St Nicholas Church, Ruston Parva, 10am - Lessons and Carols.Sunday 15th December 4pm, St John of Beverley, Harpham - Christmas Extravaganza. Join us for a fun evening of Christmas Carols and Christmas Songs performed by our friends the Bridlington Excelsior Band, followed by a light procession to St Quintin’s Arms to enjoy some delicious mince pies. Fundraising event all proceeds to be split between our beautiful historic church at Harpham and the Excelsior Brass Band. Christmas Eve Tuesday 24th December 4pm, St Martin’s Church, Lowthorpe - Service of Holy Communion.Christmas Day Wednesday 25th December 10.30am, St John of Beverley, Harpham - Service of Holy Communion.Sunday 29th December, 10am, St Nicholas Church, Ruston Parva - All Age Service of Holy Communion.