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St John of Beverley, Harpham
We're really glad you're here. We are a group of people passionate about sharing the love of God with those around us. Do come and join us at one of our services. You will be made very welcome.
As a benefice we support the statement from Inclusive Church to the effect that:-
We believe in inclusive church – a church which celebrates and affirms every person and does not discriminate.
We will continue to challenge the church where it continues to discriminate against people on grounds of disability, economic power, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, learning disability, mental health, neurodiversity, or sexuality.
Our friendly congregation are part of the Harthill Deanery and we are very blessed to have a beautiful church and churchyard in this small rural location with our own organ and organist. We gather to worship on the fourth Sunday of each month for our 1662 Book of Common Prayer Service of Holy Communion. If you would like to come along to one of our services it would be great to see you. All are very welcome.
Priest-in-Charge: Rev. Maxine Waller
01262 375698
[email protected]
St Martin, Burton Agnes
We're really glad you're here. We are a group of people passionate about sharing the love of God with those around us. Do come and join us at one of our services. You will be made very welcome.
As a benefice we support the statement from Inclusive Church to the effect that:-
We believe in inclusive church – a church which celebrates and affirms every person and does not discriminate.
We will continue to challenge the church where it continues to discriminate against people on grounds of disability, economic power, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, learning disability, mental health, neurodiversity, or sexuality.
We are a small and very friendly congregation. We are very lucky to have a beautiful church and churchyard in this small rural location, with our own organ and organist. We gather to worship on the first Sunday of each month. If you would like to come along to one of our services it would be great to see you. All are very welcome.
Rev. Maxine Waller
St Nicholas, Ruston Parva
We're really glad you're here. We are a group of people passionate about sharing the love of God with those around us. Do come and join us at one of our services. You will be made very welcome.
As a benefice we support the statement from Inclusive Church to the effect that:-
We believe in inclusive church – a church which celebrates and affirms every person and does not discriminate.
We will continue to challenge the church where it continues to discriminate against people on grounds of disability, economic power, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, learning disability, mental health, neurodiversity, or sexuality.
Our friendly congregation are part of the Harthill Deanery and we are very blessed to have a beautiful church and churchyard in this small rural location.
We gather to worship on the first Sunday of each month for our Family Service (March - October) and the third Sunday of each month for our All Age Service of Holy Communion. If you would like to come along to one of our services it would be great to see you. All are very welcome.
Priest-in-Charge: Rev. Maxine Waller
01262 375698
[email protected]
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