Facilities and features


We have a new toilet which is available for all.

Baby Changing Facilities

There are a few parking spaces on the tarmac area in front of the church.

We have a new toilet which is now easily accessible for wheelchairs

There are no steps between the car park and the church door. We also have a ramp to facilitate access to the church. If you would like a car parking space reserving for a service, please email [email protected]

We have a ramp that we can quickly put in at the entrance to the church if needed.

Hearing (induction) Loop

We have some new hymn books, some of which are in large print format.

Dogs are welcome in our church.

Our Building

Our church is open every day from 09.00 until 6.00 p.m. (usually later in the Summer) for private prayer. We have some prayer cards that visitors can use and take away and a prayer request box if you would like us to pray for you or someone who know.

We have many stained glass windows. The most arresting, perhaps, is the war memorial window installed after World War I. It depicts a local man and his friend as Saints George and Michael and is a touching tribute.

St Peter's Church is Grade II* listed. This means that it is a building of particular historic importance. Parts of the building date back to Norman times, although most of what you see is from the Victorian period.

Music and Worship

New bells were installed in the church in the 1950s and there is a bell ringing team who ring every Sunday and for special occasions. We also have an 'Ellacombe' system that one person can use.

Concerts / Live Music

Our Victorian organ is sadly out of commission and will cost over £80,000 to repair. Currently we use a digital organ and this is a real asset to the more traditional choir services on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month.

The choir sings in the morning service every second and fourth Sunday in the month. Regular practices are on Fridays at 18.00.

We have a worship band called "The Revelation" that play on the 1st and 3rd Sunday morning services. As well as singers, this features a trumpeter, flautist, violinist and guitar players.

Groups, Courses and Activities

Our Registered Parish Assistant is a volunteer for Community Money Advice and she volunteers one day a week giving advice on benefits, debt and budgeting. She is happy to talk to anyone in the community who feels in need of help.

Our Registered Parish Assistant is a volunteer for Community Money Advice and she volunteers one day a week giving advice on benefits, debt and budgeting. She is happy to talk to anyone in the community who feels in need of help.

Help for Visitors

There is an information sheet and visitors are also welcome to borrow or buy one of the copies of the history of the church. There is also a display of items from the more recent history of the church on the windowsill to the left of the main entrance.

The church is open every day from 09.00. It closes at 18.00 in the Winter and 19.00 in the Summer.

Other Features


We take donations of food and money for the Driffield Food Bank and also for Jacob's Well.

Conservation Area