Related Churches
St Andrew
All Saints
Welcome to All Saints Kilnwick. Our church has been there for towards 900 years, for the community and passers by. We welcome all people of any age and background to come to services, for private prayer, to look for ancestors, or just to enjoy the building.
St Mary
St Andrew
St Michael & All Angels
This lovely Norman church has been the centre of worship in this parish since 1132. Built in the Norman style by the Prior of Kirkham Abbey, it has been extended and added to over the years.
Under the direction of Sir Tatton Sykes of Sledmere House, the church was transformed between 1872-80. G.E.Street the architect and artists, Clayton and Bell, decorated the church from top to bottom - painted rafters, fabulous murals and Spanish tiles.
A restoration of the wall paintings was funded by The Pevsner Memorial Trust.
The church is part of the Sykes Trail, and part of the Woldsburn Benefice.
All are welcome to join our congregation at our two monthly services, or to call into visit now we are reopen daily.
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