Facilities and features
Baby Changing Facilities
Hearing (induction) Loop
Dementia Aware / Accessible
Our Building
Open for individual prayer
Stained Glass
Listed Building
Music and Worship
Bell Ringing
Groups, Courses and Activities
Community Afternoon Tea every second Wednesday of the month (except in August) at 12:30pm in Kilham Village Hall (adjacent to church) on Church Lane.
In Winter months Soup, sandwiches & hot pudding is served. Hosted by the All Saints’ Community Team
Help for Visitors
All Saints’ is open during the day 10am-4pm
Dog friendly
Other Features
A Food Bank donation box is available 24/7 in All Saints’ porch and during open hours 10-4 daily by the font.
Donations support Driffield & Wolds Food Bank where no donation is too small. Thank you
We have Churchyard Trail maps available in the porch;
which feature wildlife habitats, a wildflower meadow, climate change, etc. Each map point links to a QR code for additional exploration.