Facilities and features


Baby Changing Facilities
Hearing (induction) Loop
Dementia Aware / Accessible

Our Building

Stained Glass
Open for individual prayer
Listed Building

Music and Worship

Bell Ringing

Groups, Courses and Activities

Coffee, tea & sweet things are served every Tues at 10:30 Morning Prayer. All are welcome.

Community Afternoon Tea every second Wednesday of the month (except in August) at 12:30pm in Kilham Village Hall (adjacent to church) on Church Lane. Hosted by the All Saints’ Community Team

Help for Visitors

All Saints’ is open during the day 10am-4pm

Other Features

A Food Bank donation box is available 24/7 in All Saints’ porch and during open hours 10-4 daily by the font.
Donations support Driffield & Wolds Food Bank where no donation is too small. Thank you

We have Churchyard Trail maps available in the porch;
which feature wildlife habitats, a wildflower meadow, climate change, etc. Each map point links to a QR code for additional exploration.