Related Churches
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All Saints, Rudston
The Church of St James Fordon
Welcome to the church of St James in the small village of Fordon. The church is reputed to be the smallest church in Yorkshire. We celebrated our 900 year anniversary a few years go. Although the church is normally locked for security persons we hold a Communion Service on the first Sunday of the month at 3pm to which you are most welcome.
St Cuthbert, Burton Fleming
Welcome to the parish church of St Cuthbert in the village of Burton Fleming, or North Burton, as the village was called many years ago. You are very welcome to call and have a look round the church - a leaflet is available to give you some details. We also a warm welcome to everyone at our services.
St Nicholas Church, Grindale
Welcome to our church dedicated to St Nicholas in the small village of Grindale on the outskirts of Bridlington. You are very welcome to call and have a look around as the church is normally open during daylight hours.
All Saints Wold Newton
The antiquity of the Church and its long continuity in the village has led to its being accepted as the focal point for Christian worship and mission, not only by those who attend Church regularly, but also those who only come for significant events in the Church calendar and family life. The Church is open every day for both quiet prayer and reflection, and also for those who examine its history and architecture.
St Andrew, Boynton
We offer everyone, whether a local person or a visitor, a warm welcome to our church
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