Richard's article for September's Village Voice

On holiday in the Lake District last month, my daughter Lizzie and I were climbing up Scafell Pike. Although we’ve been up several times before, we took a very plausible left turn when we should have gone straight on. We ended up scrabbling up a steep scree slope and were glad to make it safely to the top. The thing is, we had a strong hunch earlier on that we’d missed our way but were reluctant to retrace our steps and have another go.

God’s ancient people the Israelites were going astray from him once again – greedy for gain, practising deceit and promising each other peace when they were heading for disaster. God sent his prophet Jeremiah to tell them: ‘Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls.’ It’s just the same today: so many people follow their own badly laid road and lack the humility to turn back and look for the well-trodden path that God has laid out for us. The good news is that, while we draw breath, it’s not too late to admit our mistakes and change direction.

Do join us for Sunday worship at Barmston Church – there’s always a warm welcome. Service times this month are as follows:

Sunday 1st Sept – Holy Communion at 9.30 am.

Sunday 8th Sept – Family Service at 4.00 pm

Sunday 15th Sept – Holy Communion at 9.30 am.

Sunday 29th Sept – Holy Communion at 9.30 am

Our weekly services on Sundays at Emmanuel in Bridlington are at 11.00. They are livestreamed on our Facebook page and are available shortly afterwards on YouTube.