Richard's article for August's Village Voice

As I write this, there’s a spell of unusually warm weather, and the beaches are packed with locals and visitors alike. I love to see people enjoying themselves on the sand and in the water just as they have for generations – ball games, sandcastles, swimming, with scarcely a phone in sight.

On and off over the last 40 years, I’ve been involved in children’s holiday clubs, and this year is no exception. One of the stories we love to tell is the calling of Peter and the other disciples. It’s a seaside tale – Jesus is walking along the beach and sees these young men, fishermen, bringing in a catch or mending their nets. He gives a simple command – ‘Follow me’ – and they do, leaving their livelihoods and their baffled families behind. What was it about this man, what made him so compelling, that they would do that? I’m hoping the children hear the same voice calling them. What about you?

Do join us if you can for our Summer Fun days for families, every Tuesday in August at the Village Hall from 10.45 am to 1.15 pm. It’s all free, and there will be lots of activities, games and crafts to join in with. As for Sundays, there is no Family Service in August, but we’d love to see you at our other regular services:

Sunday 4th August – Holy Communion at 9.30 am.

Sunday 18th August – Holy Communion at 9.30 am.

Our weekly services on Sundays at Emmanuel are at 11.00 and are livestreamed on our Facebook page and are available shortly afterwards on YouTube.