Richard's article for June's Village Voice

Barmston Church has in the past supported a little charity with a big name – TABS International – which supports a school in a slum area of Kenya, on the outskirts of Thika, about an hour north of Nairobi. As you read this I’ll be about to travel there on a two-week volunteer trip, to see how the project is getting on and to do some painting and ground work as the school prepares to expand. There will be twelve of us from all parts of the UK, including Kevin Oldfield, a formerly homeless man from Bridlington, who has overcome a number of hurdles to get where he is today. It’s going to be an exciting trip.

The church has been celebrating Pentecost, the festival which commemorates the sending of the Holy Spirit on Jesus’ first followers, propelling them into the world to share the good news of His resurrection and certain return. In our case, we’re more likely to receive messages of faith than give them, but the Spirit-inspired impulse to cross boundaries and travel outwards in Jesus’ name remains strong.

Closer to home, during the four Tuesdays in August, Revd Heather will be leading activities for families – both local and visitors – based in the Village Hall. More details in next week’s issue.

Do join us for our services in Barmston Church in June:

Sunday 2nd June – Holy Communion at 9.30 am.

Sunday 9th June – Family Service at 4.00 pm.

Sunday 16th June – Holy Communion at 9.30 am.

Sunday 30th June – Holy Communion at 9.30 am.

Our weekly services on Sundays at Emmanuel are at 11.00 and are livestreamed on our Facebook page and are available shortly afterwards on YouTube.