St. Catherine's Church is now a FESTIVAL CHURCH

The future of St Catherine’s Church has been uncertain for some time now.

As there is no one available within the church to take on the position of Churchwarden, rather than close the building, the decision has been taken to change the status of the church to that of a Festival Church from the beginning of May 2024.

Whilst this change means that St. Catherine’s will no longer hold regular Sunday services it does allow us the opportunity to continue to celebrate church festivals, such as Easter and Christmas, and for baptisms, weddings and funerals to take place within our local community. The Churchyard will still be available for burials and ashes.

Weekly Coffee Mornings, to which everyone is welcome, will continue to be held every Wednesday Morning from 10.30 to 11.30.

In the short term, the PCC and the Friends of St Catherine’s will continue to help maintain the building, plan social events throughout the year and raise funds for repairs. The longer-term success and sustainability of St. Catherine’s however is dependent upon the building being used as a flexible space for special occasions, festivals and community gatherings.

For that, we need to hear from residents of Leconfield about how they would like the church to be used. Please email your thoughts to Mike Roberts ([email protected]) or Jo Gallimore ([email protected]), similarly please do let us know if you would like to join the Friends of St Catherine’s in keeping this beautiful medieval Grade I listed church open and in good working order.