About Us

ST PETER’S HELPERTHORPE is maintained by volunteers who help with the upkeep of the church and graveyard.  We are always very  grateful for any new volunteers and donations for this ongoing work.

Information on how to fundraise or donate to St Peters Helperthorpe:

St Peter's Church relies on fundraising activities and donations from our kind supporters - should you wish to help in any way or setup regular payments, please contact either Rev Andy Bowden or a PCC Member for further information.


Wardens: Mr Anthony Milner and Mr Ian Pennock

PCC Treasurer: Mrs Ellen Stubbings

PCC Secretary: Mrs Kayti Boorman

PCC Members: Mr Tony Boorman and  Mr John Rummel

Safeguarding Officer: Mr Ian Pennock

Electoral Roll Officer: Mr Ian Pennock

 Associate PCC Members: Mrs Gill Scruton and Mr Will Owen

Information on the graveyard:

The PCC of St Peter’s Church, Helperthorpe will continue to update their graveyard records. This is expected to be a lengthy process which will be an on-going project. This exercise has been undertaken in conjunction with recent requests to reserve plots in St Peter’s graveyard. Should you wish further information on how to reserve a plot please contact your PCC member or Rev Andy Bowden.


*This section will be reviewed periodically with additional posts being published when possible.