Prayer lies at the very heart of who we are as community. We regularly pray for our parish, street by street, for our town and the needs of our world.
At the front entrance of church we have a pebble pool for people to use to offer prayers through the week as well as on a Sunday morning.
A Prayer for St Hugh’s during the Vacancy
Loving Heavenly Father,we pray for your blessing on our Church of St Hugh’s as we go through this time of vacancy.
At this time of change and uncertainty we ask for the infilling power of your Holy Spirit
to give us vision, energy, and faithfulness in prayer.
Help us to share responsibilities, grow in faith, love one another,care for those in need,
reach out to others and welcome newcomers,
as we continue to work together in harmony to love you,love people and build community.
Please guide those who have responsibility for selecting a new incumbent,
and guide those seeking to find a new place for their ministry,
so that together we may discover your way for the future at St Hugh’s
and see your kingdom grow in this place.We pray in the Name of Jesus Christ,