About Us

St. Hugh's Church Centre was built in the 1930's as a worship and community centre for the Easington area of south Banbury.

People gather on Sunday mornings for worship at 10.00am and we warmly welcome any visitors or newcomers to the area.  Most of our Sunday morning services are recorded and available on Youtube or via our Facebook page.

If you are thinking about having a child christened, getting married or having your banns called, we would be delighted to be involved. Please contact a churchwarden Sue Winter  on 07495 139079.

Our facilities : a hall and a lounge, and a kitchen, are used by many community groups. If you are interested in a regular booking, for either the hall or the lounge, please contact Peter Wiltshire on  01295 256512

We take very seriously the safeguarding and protection of all children, young people and adults when they are vulnerable. Please click on our link to see our policy.

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