Services - March 2025


Sunday 2nd March, the Sunday before Lent

10.30am Holy Communion, St John’s

Followed by bring and share lunch at the Pavilion, we will also have a Fair-Trade stall – a great opportunity to buy Easter eggs and treats!

Wednesday 5th March, Ash Wednesday

7.30pm Holy Communion with the Imposition of Ashes, St John’s

Sunday 9th March, the first Sunday of Lent

9.00am Holy Communion, All Saints

10.30am Morning Worship, St John’s

Sunday 16th March, the second Sunday of Lent

10.30am Morning Prayer, All Saints

10.30am Holy Communion, St John’s

Sunday 23rd March, the third Sunday of Lent

9.00am Holy Communion, All Saints

10.30am All Age Worship, St John’s

Sunday 30th March, Mothering Sunday

10.30am Benefice Holy Communion, St John’s



St John’s will usually be open for personal prayer Monday to Saturday from 10 am to 4 pm


Whether you are visiting, or you would like to join us for worship, there is a warm welcome for everyone in all our churches. We are an inclusive community where all people, children and adults, are welcomed, valued and accepted.