About Us
St John the Baptist Stamford Bridge is a church at the heart of our village community, which seeks to reach out in love and support for all our neighbours.
We aim to have an informal and welcoming style, catering for all ages. We have a Sunday School during term time, alternating with child-friendly services, but children are welcome to stay during worship, and activities are provided in our inclusive children's area.
Apart from our regular church services, we have other activities that run on a regular basis – please do come along and join us, you will be made very welcome! All times and locations are published in the Link magazine and can be found on our website.
Little Lights, Pre-school Group Join us at St John’s every Friday in term time between 10.00-11.30 (stay as long as you wish). We have a very interactive bible story and a few fun songs, as well as a chance for a drink and catch up. All under 5s and their grown-ups (including parents-to-be) are very welcome to this fun, informal and free activity!
Cuppa & Co We are a registered ‘warm welcome space’ where you can join us for a cuppa, cake and company! Thursday mornings, 10-12 during term time in the Platform 66 rooms at the Old Station, Stamford Bridge.
Mothers’ Union We meet monthly at the Station Club, often with a guest speaker. We enjoy refreshments and lots of chatter! All are welcome.
Fairtrade We are a fairtrade church and have regular fairtrade stalls where you can buy food and gifts.
Food Bank As a parish, we support the People’s Pantry in Pocklington who provide food to local families and individuals. Any non-perishable item is welcome, food goods as well as personal care items. Donations can be left at one of the collection points: St John's Church porch, 29 Huntsman Lane, Prospect House Farm, High Catton, and Church End House, Low Catton.
Church social events Throughout the year we enjoy shared lunches, walks, quizzes and other activities. We also welcome choirs into our churches for concerts.