Suffolk Historic Churches Bike ride and Stride - Saturday 9th September 2023

for 8 hours
St Mary, Bentley, Ipswich
Church Road Bentley Ipswich, IP9 2DA, United Kingdom

Do you fancy going on a bike ride or a lovely walk around the Suffolk Historic Churches. Its the 50th year of this event and its been a long time since someone did it for our church! Sponsor ship forms including your personal choice of churches to be visited can be obtained from Peter Day.
Sponsors can agree a flat fee for the day or so much per church visited.
At each church your form is stamped
At end of the day forms are completed, money collected and sponsor forms returned to Peter Day by 16th September.
The Local churches participating/can be visited includes:-
St.Mary’s Bentley IP9 2DA
Bentley reformed Baptist Church IP9 2DS
Capel St Mary Days Road IP9 2JW
Capel St Mary Methodist church, IP9 2UG
Capel St Mary IP9 2RJ
Copdock St.Peter’s IP8 3JZ
Stutton St Peter IP9 2SD
Holbrook All Saints IP9 2RZ
Holbrook Methodist Chapel IP9 2PZ
Woolverstone St Michael’s IP9 1AY
There is a full list of participating churches which is available on request.
Please contact Peter Day - [email protected]

St Mary, Bentley, Ipswich


Get in touch

Michelle Jowers

What's on

Suffolk Historic Churches Bike ride and Stride - Saturday 9th September 2023

for 8 hours
St Mary, Bentley, Ipswich
Church Road Bentley Ipswich, IP9 2DA, United Kingdom

Do you fancy going on a bike ride or a lovely walk around the Suffolk Historic Churches. Its the 50th year of this event and its been a long time since someone did it for our church! Sponsor ship forms including your personal choice of churches to be visited can be obtained from Peter Day.
Sponsors can agree a flat fee for the day or so much per church visited.
At each church your form is stamped
At end of the day forms are completed, money collected and sponsor forms returned to Peter Day by 16th September.
The Local churches participating/can be visited includes:-
St.Mary’s Bentley IP9 2DA
Bentley reformed Baptist Church IP9 2DS
Capel St Mary Days Road IP9 2JW
Capel St Mary Methodist church, IP9 2UG
Capel St Mary IP9 2RJ
Copdock St.Peter’s IP8 3JZ
Stutton St Peter IP9 2SD
Holbrook All Saints IP9 2RZ
Holbrook Methodist Chapel IP9 2PZ
Woolverstone St Michael’s IP9 1AY
There is a full list of participating churches which is available on request.
Please contact Peter Day - [email protected]