Morning Worship at St Hilda's

Every Sunday at for 50 mins
St Hilda's York - for people like you
Tang Hall Lane York, YO10 3SD, United Kingdom

We are pleased to welcome you to our morning service.
The first and third Sundays in the month we celebrate the Lord's Supper.

Weekly Prayer Meeting

Every Tuesday at for 30 mins
St Hilda's York - for people like you
Tang Hall Lane York, YO10 3SD, United Kingdom

In response to the Review on 5th January we
have begun a weekly prayer time on Tuesday morning at 9am. Please
come along at this time if you would like to join in this time of prayer. It is
for half an hour.

Learning to talk about faith

Every Tuesday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
Start date
Please note that this event will not start until
St Hilda's York - for people like you
Tang Hall Lane York, YO10 3SD, United Kingdom

We are starting a 5 week series in
the Upper Room starting at 7.30 with the following topics:
Tues 18th March 1: Understanding the Why of Sharing Your Faith
Tues 25th March 2: Telling Your Story (Your Testimony)
Tues 1st April 3: The Gospel Message
Tues 8th April 4: Building Bridges Through Relationships
Tues 15th April 5: Trusting God with the Results
This is open to everyone and hope to see many of you there.

Messy Church

for 1 hour
St Hilda's York - for people like you
Tang Hall Lane York, YO10 3SD, United Kingdom

Due to Mothers Day on 30th March, Messy Church will be held a week earlier.

Staying Connected

Monthly. Every First Tuesday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
St Hilda's York - for people like you
Tang Hall Lane York, YO10 3SD, United Kingdom

This group meets in the upper room on the first Tuesday of each month. There is the opportunity to
talk, to listen and to pray together. This is planned to be a monthly event and it is hoped
that it will provide a setting where people can grow together in faith and fellowship.

Messy Church

Monthly. Every Last Sunday at for 1 hour
Please note that this event will not be taking place between and
St Hilda's York - for people like you
Tang Hall Lane York, YO10 3SD, United Kingdom

Normally on the last Sunday of the month - but check out the banner - if it's up it's on that next Sunday.