Funeral of Sarita Adamson
- Occurring
- for 1 hour
- Venue
- St Chad's
- Address St Chad's Church, Campleshon Road York, YO23 1EY, United Kingdom
The service will take place on Monday 2nd September, 1.30pm at St Chad's
Dress code request: No black.
It is suggested that those attending may like to bring a single fresh seasonal flower to place on the coffin. Sarita really wasn't keen on formal arrangements, and this is a way for everyone to give her a final personal gift. These will be taken and cremated together with the coffin.
There will be a collection that will be shared between MacMillan Cancer Care and St. Chad's Church.
Sarita was an active worshipper, with various leadership roles at St. Chad's for around 55 years. She was seminal to some of our growth and witness over that time. She deserves recognition and celebration for her part in our history and our current life together.
Anne Paskett has asked to share this personal note with you all:
"for about the last 60 years of her mortal life, Sarita served the people of God in this place and beyond. For about the last 60 days, she allowed God to serve her through his people in this place and beyond. May she rest in peace and rise in glory"