Breathing Space in St Chad's Quiet Garden
- Occurring
- Every Monday at for 30 mins
- Venue
- St Chad's
- Address St Chad's Church, Campleshon Road York, YO23 1EY, United Kingdom
Breathing Space
6pm-6.30pm every Monday in St Chad's Quiet Garden
Join us for a time of quiet in the garden, especially for those returning from work. The pavilion there is sheltered and provides a space to take a moment in the busy lives we lead to pause and reflect.
30th Sept will be the last Breathing Space in the garden on Mondays at 6pm.
During the winter months (October - March) we'll offer a monthly one hour Breathing Space at 10am on the third Saturday of the month (except December) in St Chad's church. All are welcome.
The first will be Oct 19th on using the imagination in prayer.
Next April we'll resume meeting weekly in the garden!
All are welcome.
Breathing Space in St Chad's Quiet Garden
Every Monday at 6 p.m. for 30 mins
Breathing Space in St Chad's Quiet Garden
Every Monday at 6 p.m. for 30 mins