Holy Week and Easter at St Barnabas' Church
- Occurring
- for 2 days, 15 hours
- Venue
- St Barnabas
- Address Jubilee Terrace Leeman Road Area, YO26 4YZ, United Kingdom
Come along to experience something new...or familiar...or peaceful...or child friendly...or all these and more. We have lots planned this Holy Week and Easter so please scroll down then come along.
Some events take place at our partner church, St Paul's Holgate on the corner of Holgate Road and Watson Street.
Maundy Thursday 28 March: 7.30 pm
Holy Communion & foot washing at St Paul’s
Good Friday 29 March
10.30 am Easter Garden building at St Barnabas’
11.30 am Walk of Witness starting at St Barnabas’ and reaching St Paul’s by 1.00 pm for refreshments and a service.
Holy Saturday/ Easter Eve, 30 March
11.00 am- 12.30 pm: Easter activities at St Paul’s including an Easter Egg Hunt, games, stories and a café.
6.00 pm at St Paul’s: Movie night screening of The Miracle Maker, an all-age appropriate Easter film. Bring your own snacks; drinks provided.
Easter Sunday, 31 March
6.45am Sunrise Holy Communion at St Barnabas’ followed by bacon sandwiches
10.30 am Easter celebration with Holy Communion at St Barnabas’
All Welcome!