July Connected

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This month we record the final service taken by Revd. Phil before he moved to be Associate Priest for the Parishes of Ferrybridge, Brotherton, Knottingley, Kellington with Whitley, and Womersley in the Diocese of Leeds. Our very best wishes to him, and Charlotte and Archie, as this new chapter opens in their lives.

Revd. Roy writes the Dear Friends text and bids us to keep God close in everyday life: don’t box God into only speaking to you in prayer, or as you read scripture... Roy also found time to write about the 1944 Education Act, an endeavour deserving of a metal of some sort.
Lynn Allan reports on a recent Mothers’ Union meeting where they were introduced to Fiddle Pinnies; a simple piece of fabric that helps dementia sufferers.

We congratulate Doreen and Len Carpenter on their 70th Wedding Anniversary, and Jill Clarke seeks volunteers for Open the Book.

Finally, I write some nonsense about the recent St Wilfrid’s Beatle Drive.