September Connected

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Welcome to the September 2023 edition of Connected.

This month Revd. Roy Shaw writes the Dear Friends article, recalling working with the Mennonites in Europe and America: there is tension at all levels in life - heaven & earth, high & low, and of course, good & bad.

Barbara Richardson reports on the recent Mary Sumner Mothers' Union celebration at Burton Agnes, and looks forward to the Annual Gathering in York on 22nd September.

Yvonne Green shares a newspaper cutting from 1978 which noted that St Wilfrid's was looking for an organist, but in the meantime Yvonne and Doreen were 'standing in'. For some reason that all sounds very contemporary - Yvonne is still 'standing in'!

I'm also thankful that Mrs Clarke took photographs during the recent Churchyard Tidying morning. Thank you Jill.

The rest of the magazine is all my fault. Obviously...