About Us

St Mary's is  a12th century church has served as a Minster to this area until the dissolution of the monasteries.   It has a 120 foot spire which allows it to dominate the plain.   It's importance lies in the woodwork and carvings in the church and we have the oldest recorded misericord in the country. Although known as St. Mary's, It's official name is 'The Collegiate Church of St. Mary the Virgin'.

Our daughter church is St Andrew Cliffe.    This is a modern and versatile building.   


Our normal pattern of worship at ST MARY's is:

First Sunday of the month   9.00am  Holy Communion BCP

Second Sunday                      9.00am  Morning Worship 

Third Sunday                        10:30am  Family Communion  

Fourth Sunday                     10.30am  Family Service (All Age)

Fifth Sunday                         10.30am  Joint Benefice Service at one of our Churches

2nd June                              Please note there is no service at St. Mary's today.

                                              We have services at both St. Mary's, Riccall 9.00am Morning Worship and                                                    All Saints, Barlby 10.30am Family Worship

9th June                               9.00am  Morning Worship 

16th June                            10.30am  Family Communion

23rd June                            Family Service - CANCELLED. 

                                             There are services at Riccall 9.00am Holy Communion & Barlby 10.30am                                                     Morning worship

                                             6.30pm Choral Evensong with the Selebians as we from the Derwent                                                           Deanery say our farewell to Bishop John and Sue

30th June                            10.30am  Joint Benefice Service at Hemingbrough