Churchyard working party

for 3 hours
Bardwell, St Peter & St Paul
Church Road Bardwell Bury St Edmunds, IP31 1AH, United Kingdom

Can you spare an hour or two? We need volunteers to help keep our churchyard tidy and to strim around the graves.
Refreshments will be provided. Please bring your own tools
Volunteers on any day of the week are also welcome!
Please contact either Dave (250912) or Dinkie (07710 798178) for guidance.

Bardwell, St Peter & St Paul


Get in touch

Rev Karen Burton

The Vicarage
Commister Lane

IP31 2HE
Rev Karen Burton Team Rector
07546 491388
Dinkie Williamson Lay Elder
01359 251416

Our website

What's on

Churchyard working party

for 3 hours
Bardwell, St Peter & St Paul
Church Road Bardwell Bury St Edmunds, IP31 1AH, United Kingdom

Can you spare an hour or two? We need volunteers to help keep our churchyard tidy and to strim around the graves.
Refreshments will be provided. Please bring your own tools
Volunteers on any day of the week are also welcome!
Please contact either Dave (250912) or Dinkie (07710 798178) for guidance.