An Exhibition of Pyrography by a local artist

Pyrography Flyer for 16th June 2024.pdf Download
Andrew's wonderful depictions of British Wildlife have been skilfully burnt onto reclaimed wooden items, many purchased from Sheriff Hutton Jumble Sales! These lovely items will be on display from 12 noon onwards and entry is free.

We are a Fairtrade Church, so to celebrate Great Big Green Week you are invited to try a cup of fairly traded tea or coffee with cake and biscuits. We've had good feedback about our 'Bird & Wild' coffee which supports both fairtrade and the RSPB! At 3pm (weather permitting) we will be doing our annual 'Count on Nature' wildflower and wildlife audit. If you know your red campion from your drooping catchfly, or just like wildflowers, birdsong, the sound of the wind in the trees and great views, you are very welcome to come and join us!

At 6pm we will round off the day with our Celtic Evening Service.

Marton Church is a listed building with a Silver Eco Church award. Our grass car park is next to the church (on the Stillington side) and we have a lovely composting loo! Please note that access to the church is via a stone path (which can be slippy in wet weather) or through our wildflower meadow (uneven ground) and there are steps leading down into the church with a handrail but no space for a ramp.