Facilities and features
A composting toilet is available during services and events only.
Although the toilet is wheelchair friendly, the path to it may not currently be accessible to all visitors.
Our small seasonal car park is available during services and events only.
The layby outside church is available throughout the week.
We have large print hymn books.
ALL well behaved dogs are welcome in church, including for our services.
There is water in the entrance for hot, thirsty dogs!
Our Building
The church is open every day for visitors.
In 2023 we achieved the Bronze Eco Church Award with A Rocha.
Our churchyard is wildlife friendly.
We aim to promote environmentally friendly resources and ideas, and conducted a questionnaire in 2023 (copies in church or available in church).
See our 'Welcome Leaflet' for more information about the church.
Music and Worship
Many people comment on the uplifting music and worship at Marton services.
We have a small group of musicians who play a keyboard, violin, flute, cello and bassoon.
Groups, Courses and Activities
Help for Visitors
There are a range of leaflets in church about its history, wildlife, services/events, finances and prayer resources.
We also have an open book of remembrance which you are welcome to add to, and a prayer request box on the font.
This church is open all day, every day.
Other Features
The church promotes fairtrade options whenever possible.
The churchyard is managed as a wildlife-friendly conservation area.