Donations/Online Giving

Help support the general mission and ministry of St Andrews in the parish and wider community; including services and pastoral care, our renowned choral tradition, opening the church for private prayer, and care for the historic fabric of the building and or beautiful wildlife friendly churchyard.

Whether it be a 'one off' donation or regular 'Giving' commitment your support will be very gratefully received and will continue to ensure that St Andrews remains at the heart of our community providing ongoing spiritual and pastoral care for everyone in our parish.

You may securely make your donation via your own bank account using the following bank information for St Andrews:

Account Name:         Aldringham Parochial Church Council

Sort Code:                 20-98-07

Account No:              90109614

Cheques should be made payable to 'Aldringham Parochial Church Council' and sent to;  c/o Hill House, Aldeburgh Road, Aldringham, Leiston Suffolk. IP6 4PU