There is a strong musical tradition at St Andrews, and the choir and organists work hard to ensure that our the regular services are supported by suitable and accomplished playing and singing. As well as a dedicated group of regular singers, we are also fortunate in occasionally joining with singers from around the Benefice and beyond. Careful attention is given to the singing of the hymns, canticles and psalms, and on many Sundays an introit or anthem, appropriate to the season is also sung.
During the summer, Evensong according to the Book of Common Prayer is sung about once a month. Most of the main festivals of the church’s year are celebrated with special music and patterns of worship. Holy Week and Easter, and our traditional and very atmospheric candle-lit service for Advent Sunday, and Christmas Carol Service are highlights of the year and include music both old and new and in a variety of languages! The annual singing of carols around the Christmas tree on the village green is always popular, and is well attended by parishioners and a great many villagers – all in good voice!
The choir meets at the church on Wednesdays to practice, and although, sometimes, learning music can be demanding, everyone agrees that it is extremely fulfilling and often fun. If you think you would like to sing with the choir either come along on a Sunday morning (11am) or if you would like further details of the choir and it's activities please send us an email via the 'Contacts' page below. You can be sure of a very warm welcome.