Thought for the Week

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Dear Friends,

The church year rolls around to Lent, and we intensify our focus on what it’s all about. And what is it all about? Two millennia ago God became one of us. Jesus walked this earth, healed people, challenged wrongs, made friends, made enemies, and in the end was executed on trumped up charges. Three days of darkness, then the glorious light of His resurrection! Jesus defeated death and made a way back to relationship with God for all humankind. His teachings turned the world upside down, and still today lives are being transformed by his message of love and reconciliation. Let’s repent of all the things we get wrong, and use this Lenten time to draw closer to God.

The Thought (attached) this week is about living Christ’s story in Lent, as we journey towards Easter.

Also attached is the flyer about our Lent course, “Alive in Christ”. It begins next week – so still time to enrol!

A final also – don’t forget to register on the Electoral Roll (see attached Notice of Preparation and Form 1). This is compiled from scratch every 5 years, so you need to ensure your name is on the new one if you still wish it.
