Easter Celebrations 2023


Communion with the stripping of the altar was our first point of reflecting on Jesus loving actions during Holy Week. We washed hands as we listened to Ubi Caritas - where there is love and charity, God is there.

Good Friday morning was full of Easter trail, egg hunts, butterfly painting, Easter garden making and then a walk of witness to the chapel where we thought about the. Easter story.

Good Friday afternoon and the Last hour of the Cross was more reflective as we paused and prayed and listened to the events recalled in Luke's gospel. Taize chants helped us meditate on our part in the story.

Easter Saturday was an opportunity to pray using 4 areas set out to bring to God our loss, sadness, sense of failing and isolation.

Easter Sunday was a joyful time of remembering how everything is changed because Jesus died, was buried and is now risen and alive.