Vicar, Wardens and other contacts.

Our Vicar.  The Rev. Carey Saleh.    Email. [email protected]    Tel. 01299 822041.

Churchwarden. Eileen Rush.    Email. [email protected]. Tel. 07710 651971.

Churchwarden. Pauline Clash. Email. [email protected]   Tel. 07463 848501.

Church Yard Matters. Liz Bloomer. Email. [email protected]

Bookings for St.Michael's Parish Room. Jo Dillistone. Tel. 01299 877778.

For Child and Adult Protection concerns contact the Safeguarding Officer. Norris Boyland. Email. [email protected]  or visit the Worcester Diocese Website.

For other queries use the "Get in touch" page below and we will arrange for some one to contact you.