We'd love to hear from you

In December   2024  

The  Rev.Cannon  Andrew  Hutchinson  was licensed  as  Priest  in Charge  of Areley Kings  and  Assistant Curate  of Astley .

House for Duty Priest . 

His  address  and contact details 

Rev.  Cannon A . Hutchinson 

The Rectory 

12 Prince Rupert Road ,

Areley Kings ,

Stourport on Severn ,

DY13 0AS 

01299 578589 

Send us a message

If your message is about safeguarding, please contact the safeguarding team for your area, rather than completing this form.

Say "hello"

Victor C. Powell

9 Berrigton Cottages ,
Church Lane ,
Astley ,
Stourport on Severn ,

DY13 0RL .
Vic Powell
(01299) 877290