Holy Communion

Every Sunday at for 45 mins
St Peter's Church Pedmore Stourbridge
Pedmore Lane Pedmore Stourbridge, DY9 0SW, United Kingdom

Please do join us for a service of Holy Communion

Morning Worship

Every First, Second, Third, Fifth Sunday at for 50 mins
St Peter's Church Pedmore Stourbridge
Pedmore Lane Pedmore Stourbridge, DY9 0SW, United Kingdom

Morning Worship held in Church 1st, 2nd, 3rd & 5th Sundays.
There will be a sound recording of the 10.30 am service that will be uploaded to the St Peter’s Website by Wednesday.


Monthly. Every Last Sunday at for 1 hour
St Peter's Church Pedmore Stourbridge
Pedmore Lane Pedmore Stourbridge, DY9 0SW, United Kingdom

Sunday evening service

Saplings @ St Peter's in Term Time

Every Monday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
St Peter's Centre
St Peter's Centre, Pedmore Lane Stourbridge, DY9 0SW

A new group for toddlers and carers in St Peter's Centre run during term time.
Fun activities, stories, singing and refreshments.

Term Time

Cafe Tuesday at The Foley

Every Tuesday at for 1 hour, 15 mins
The Foley Arms
The Foley Arms, Hagley Road

This group meets every Tuesday at the Foley Arms at 11.30am until about 12.45pm.Originally set up as a group for people who may be lonely and on their own, friendship and companionship is offered to all of whatever faith or no faith. Come and join us for coffee and company in a friendly warm environment.

Contact Pauline Rollason for further details

01562 883783 or 07899 712484

Prayer Meeting held in St Peter's Centre

Monthly. Every Second Monday at for 1 hour
St Peter's Church Pedmore Stourbridge
Pedmore Lane Pedmore Stourbridge, DY9 0SW, United Kingdom

On the second Monday of the month, we shall be praying for the work of St Peter’s.
Please do join us for prayer.

Holy Communion

Monthly. Every Fourth Sunday at for 50 mins
St Peter's Church Pedmore Stourbridge
Pedmore Lane Pedmore Stourbridge, DY9 0SW, United Kingdom

Holy Communion held on the 4th Sunday monthly
There will be a sound recording of the 10.30 am service that will be uploaded to the St Peter’s Website by Wednesday. We are not physically sharing the Peace, and do ask that people are given space (especially those getting used to being in crowded spaces again).

Thursday Home Group

Thursday 27 June 2024, Thursday 11 July 2024, Thursday 25 July 2024 at for 1 hour, 30 mins
Mary & Malcolm Medcraft's Home
Mary & Malcolm Medcraft's Home, Lychgate Avenue Call the telephone number above for further details, DY9 0TS

Bible Study and discussion, all welcome, contact Mary Medcraft on 01562 720165


Tuesday 25 June 2024, Tuesday 09 July 2024, Tuesday 23 July 2024 at for 1 hour, 30 mins
Richard & Corrinne's Home
Richard & Corrinne's Home, South Street Norton

A Bible Study and Prayer Group meeting in the home of Corrinne and Richard Sarjeant. Call the Office for further details.

Holy Communion @ St Andrew's, Wollescote

Wednesday 26 June 2024, Wednesday 10 July 2024, Wednesday 24 July 2024, Thursday 01 August 2024, Thursday 15 August 2024, Thursday 29 August 2024 at for 40 mins
St Andrew's Wollescote
St Andrew's Wollescote, Oakfield Road Wollescote, DY9 9DG

A service of Holy Communion on a Wednesday morning, alternating between St Peter's and St Andrew's, Wollescote. We can now sing, although not compulsory we are encouraging the wearing of masks, we are not physically sharing the Peace, and do ask that people are given space (especially those getting used to being in crowded spaces again).

Holy Communion BCP, St Peter's

Wednesday 19 June 2024, Wednesday 03 July 2024, Wednesday 17 July 2024, Wednesday 31 July 2024 at for 40 mins
St Peter's Church Pedmore Stourbridge
Pedmore Lane Pedmore Stourbridge, DY9 0SW, United Kingdom

A service of Holy Communion on a Wednesday morning, alternating between St Peter's and St Andrew's, Wollescote
We are not physically sharing the Peace, and do ask that people are given space (especially those getting used to being in crowded spaces again).

Bible Study and Prayer Group

Tuesday 25 June 2024, Tuesday 09 July 2024, Tuesday 23 July 2024 at for 1 hour, 30 mins
St Peter's Church Pedmore Stourbridge
Pedmore Lane Pedmore Stourbridge, DY9 0SW, United Kingdom

We are a small group of ladies who meet on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month, between 2.30pm - 4.00pm, at the home of Val Pitt.
We find out bible study challenging and are constantly amazed at what it teaches us about ourselves and our lives today.
We are a dedicated group who value these opportunities to deepen and share our love for our Heavenly Father and for each other.
Please call the Church Office for further information.